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EMBA Mentoring Program

Our mentoring program is designed to help new beekeepers develop their beekeeping skills by introducing them to an experienced beekeeper who will help them one on one during their first year.



Keep Bees



If you are a first year beekeeper, have attended a Beginners' Beekeeping Workshop, and would like to be introduced to an experienced beekeeper in your geographic area, please click on the link below to register as a Mentee. You will then be enrolled in our free mentoring program, and contacted by a EMBA mentor. They are a valuable resources when you are learning about installing nucs, doing inspections, and trying to identify activity that you’ve observed in your colonies. Frequently, mentors will answer questions, direct you to resources, possibly visit your hives or host you at their own, and meet with you at club meetings and field work days. The amount of contact and the type of mentoring interaction will depend in large part on communication between Mentor and Mentee.

Mentee Requirements

  • You must become a member of the EMBA
  • You must attend a Beginners Beekeeping Workshop
  • Become familiar with beekeeping terms
  • Participate in club activities and hands-on inspections, including at the Danforth Apiary
  • Maintain hive inspection sheets and logs to provide reference
  • Build your library
  • Be a Beekeeper, don’t just Have Bees
  • Respect your Mentor’s time: Keep good records, and consolidate multiple questions into single calls.
  • Stick with it, ask questions, read, read, read, and Never Give Up!




If you are an EMBA club member that would be willing to help mentor one or more beginning beekeepers, please click on the registration link below. The Mentoring program provides the opportunity to share your knowledge and experiences with new beekeepers, helping to ensure the success of beekeeping in our area. Mentoring is a very satisfying experience that helps you hone your skills while helping others and building relationships within the organization. It doesn’t matter if you only have one or two hives or just a couple of years of experience; you have the basic knowledge to help beginning beekeepers. Mentors will be provided with helpful guidelines and will have the Mentoring Programming Director and other Board Members to assist them.

Mentor Requirements

As a Mentor, you need to be willing to:

  • Guide & advise
  • Be a responsible mentor (set expectations, follow-up, etc)
  • Assist and mentor, but do not perform the work for the mentee
  • Encourage regular attendance at monthly meetings and learning events
  • Please note: Mentors must register every year they want to participate in the Program.


Have Questions!

If you have additional questions about the Mentoring Program please contact us by email.


Educating Beekeepers Since 1939

Located in St. Louis, Missouri, the Eastern Missouri Beekeepers Association (EMBA) is a volunteer-based organization that trains beginning and advanced beekeepers, promotes beekeeping within the region; and provides networking opportunities for beekeepers, old and new. Educating beekeepers for the last 86 years!

EMBA is proud to endorse:

Wyoming Street

St. Louis, MO 63218


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All rights reserved.

Eastern Missouri Beekeepers Association.

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